Produkty dla wafla alamgir (13)

Lago Wafer

Lago Wafer

Lago Wafer


Los arándanos son pequeñas frutas de color azul oscuro o rojo, conocidas por su sabor dulce y ligeramente ácido, así como por sus numerosos beneficios para la salud. Son ricas en antioxidantes, especialmente antocianinas, que ayudan a combatir el estrés oxidativo y a proteger las células del cuerpo. Los arándanos también son una excelente fuente de vitamina C, fibra y otras vitaminas y minerales esenciales que promueven la salud cardiovascular, mejoran la función cerebral y apoyan el sistema inmunológico. Gracias a su versatilidad, pueden consumirse frescos, en jugos, postres o en recetas saladas, añadiendo un toque nutritivo y delicioso.
Lody Melon Maraslim Hunkar 500 g.

Lody Melon Maraslim Hunkar 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Melon Ice Cream Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguishes itself with its refreshing and sweet melon aroma. Provides a delicious experience with melon's fresh and light sour taste alongside its creamy texture. Provides a refreshing choice for summer months with its natural melon extract. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Melon Ice Cream, especially for summer months, is the perfect choice to cool off. It can also be serviced with various desserts and fruits. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched by adding garnitures such as fresh melon pieces or mint leaves. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging.
Mrożone Masło

Mrożone Masło

The name butter is reserved for products without vegetable fat admixtures with a specific milk fat content - at least 82% (not more than 16% water and 2% dry non-fat milk). It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. The product is rich in vitamins A, D, K.
Nutella - 400g - 630g - 750g

Nutella - 400g - 630g - 750g

nutella always available fresh date
Suszone mango

Suszone mango

Nous sommes l'entreprise SOTRAPAC. Nous produisons les fruits séchés sous le label MITZ. Les produits actuellement disponibles : bananes séchées, Ananas séchés, mangues séchées, Cassimanga séché, papayes séchées et bien d'autres encore. Nous sommes situés au Cameroun Yaoundé. Nous répondons au +237655086223. Notre sommes disponibles sur Facebook sous le nom de MITZ. Nous sommes prêts à vous fournir à tous les grossistes et exportateurs, peu importe votre pays et peu importe la quantité. Actuellement nous avons une Capacité de production de 3tonnes/mois. Nous comptons passer à un minimum de 30 tonnes / mois d'ici 5 ans . N'hésitez surtout pas à nous contacter si vous êtes intéressé et pour avoir des images de nos produits. P.s. aucun sucre ajouté, aucun colorant. Durée de conservation 6 mois minimum.
Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Zboża

Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Zboża

Abattu 1_500g_Warda - 6194043401062 - Céréales Colisage colis:24 UVC Colisage pallette:54 Colis Type produit:Pâte Tarif famille:Pates, Couscous et Semoules Tarif sous famille:PATES NORMALE
waax agora

waax agora

ağda ısıtıcıları
Niesłodzona wafel z Liège

Niesłodzona wafel z Liège

Hash Krem Bananowy

Hash Krem Bananowy

Notre Hash Artisanal de haute qualité est fabriqué à partir de pollen de fleur de cbd 100% Bio de Banana Kush. Son fort taux de CBD procure une sensation d'apaisement et de détente qui saura séduire les amateurs comme les connaisseurs de CBD. Magasin de cbd Nice et Antibes cbd queen.
Pâté z Guawy (x4)

Pâté z Guawy (x4)

Pâtés Goyave (x4) Réf:SUC001 Contenance:200 g


Can be provided in plastic or carton boxes
Hunkar Maraslım Zwykłe Lody 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslım Zwykłe Lody 500 g.

Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Plain Ice Cream Contents: The product is produced by using fresh cow milk and natural sugar. Does not include additives. Weight: 500 grams Taste: Distinguished by its plain milk aroma. Has an intense and creamy texture. Presents a simple and natural taste. Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr plain Ice Cream can be served alongside various desserts and fruits. It can also be enjoyed by itself. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched. Optionally, its flavor can be enriched by adding sauce or various garnishes. Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed. Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging. Production Process: